Back to the book...I took some pages out to start with, since I was planning on adding pages, but I didn't take out quite enough, which caused a few problems with my binding later. Then I glued (I used Elmer's spray glue) three pages of the yearbook together, then another three, and another, you get the idea. After that I glued cardstock on the front and back of the three glued pages. This is where the binding problem occured. I needed to take out more pages to begin with. Because I added so many extra pages, the binding on the book broke. It still worked, but next time I will account for all the pages I will be adding and take out a few more of the book pages to accomodate. For the book cover, I used fabric that I simply mod podged to the book and then folded the edges around the cover, just like a binding on a quilt. I thought about taking pictures of the whole process, but then I started and forgot. Once I covered the book I added cardstock to the front and back cover to hide my raw edges. Worked like a charm. For this book I had all my family write letters and share memories for my grandma. I added a few pictures...and wal~la- a perfect gift that she will enjoy for years.
For the most part, I was excited with how well it turned out and was even more excited when I saw her reaction. And funny thing. For the last pages I made a family tree. I was sooo careful to make sure I had everyone on it. I was finishing it up in the wee hours of the morning though, so probably not as careful as I should have been. After I gave it to her, Tony was looking through the book and brought it to my attention that I had left him off. Really. Of the 82 people on the family tree, it was my very own husband I forgot. Oops. He's on there now.